online job interview

10 tips on how to be successful in your online job interview

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, particularly if your prospective employer requests a face-to-face chat through the internet. Online job interviews have grown in popularity in recent years, and many companies now use online interviews to hire candidates due to the pandemic. It saves a lot of time and money as the candidates can appear for the interview virtually without traveling to the location.

A video call is the most popular form of online interview. When scheduling a video call, the interviewer will usually reach out to you and inquire whether you have the required system setup. Since most laptops come with built-in cameras and microphones, you should be able to find one that meets your needs. The interviewer can set up a call using platforms like Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts at a particular time.

Here are the 10 tips to make you successful in your online job interview.

1.Test audio video set up of your computer

online job interview

Technology can be daunting in today’s world, make yourself comfortable with whatever platform your prospective employers prefer for the job interview. (example: zoom, skype, google meet). Test your internet connectivity as well as your audio and sound system to ensure everything works properly. You can ask the employer what platform they are going to use to conduct the interview and how long it will take; it will help you to prepare accordingly.

2.Dress professionally

online job interview

Just because you’re on camera doesn’t mean you can wear anything you want. Do a research on company’s work culture to get an idea about the dress code. Dress up same as how you would do in a personal interview. First impression creates lot of impact and your appearance is the most important one.

3.Practice for the interview

online job interview

It’s important to have a straight mind throughout the interview process if you want to succeed. Make sure you look confident throughout the interview with proper preparation and rehearsal.

You gain confidence through practice. Prepare your own collection of job-related mock interview questions and write down your responses. Request an interview with a family member or a friend and get their feedback.

Companies are interested in seeing how well-prepared you are. Always remember to learn about the company’s philosophy, goals, and beliefs, as well as their success story.

4.Choose a perfect spot to attend the interview

online job interview

Before the interview you have to select a location for your interview, find a quiet room without any distractions otherwise it will distract your interviewer and can create a wrong impression.

A neutral or blank background is both professional and relaxing to the eye. The room should have plenty of natural light so that the interviewer can see you clearly. Avoid sitting by the windows if you don’t want to be bothered during the interview by the sounds of the busy streets.

5.Be on time [Be punctual]

Be on time for your online interview. Check the time zone if the interview is conducting from an international location. If in doubt clarify with the interviewer beforehand.

6.Body Language

online job interview

Be mindful of your body language. When the interviewer talks, remember to smile and nod. Sit up straight and behave as if you were in a face-to-face interview. you’ll have to demonstrate your integrity and good manners in other respects. Eye contact is very important in the online job interview. Make sure you are looking at the webcam instead of the screen and stay engaged.

Before the call, take a deep breath and try to stay calm and relaxed throughout the interview. You are much more likely to make a lasting good impression if you can communicate calmly with the interviewer than if you appear nervous. Create a cheat sheet for yourself.

7.Create a cheat sheet for yourself

Work on possible questions to be asked. Write it down in a sticky note or posters and keep it with you. To respond, many people would need an example. Make a list of your responses. When you’re not in a rush, you can think of the best answer. Consider the job examples and choose the ones that will help you stand out to potential employers.

Remember practicing you your responses ahead of time is one of the easiest ways to overcome interview nervousness.

8.Speak slowly and pay attention to the questions from the interviewer.

Video interviewing technology may cause delays or a microphone that does not pick up your voice well. Take your time while speaking and enunciate your terms to avoid this from happening. This ensures that the interviewer can hear and understand you throughout the entire conversation. When conducting an online job interview, it’s possible to cut someone off by mistake due to audio delays or a lack of attention to nonverbal cues. Keep your mind from wandering and concentrate on active listening instead. Also, wait a few seconds after your interviewer asks a question before responding to avoid cutting in.

9.Have a backup plan

No matter how well you practice. Test everything the day before your online job interview to make sure it’s all working, and be prepared to give the interviewers an alternate solution, contact your interviewer well in advance to discuss a back plan if something goes wrong.

Technical problems may be resolved by switching to a phone call or rescheduling for a later date. If your program has a problem, don’t freak out. The interviewer will understand if the issue is beyond your control.

10.Follow up on the online job interview

Once the interview is over send a thank you message to the interviewer for their time this will build a positive connection with your prospective employer. Wait for their response for few or days or reach out to them to check the progress of the interview. This will also show that you are very much interested in the position they offer.


We hope the above tips will help you to be successful in your online job interview, last not least you must demonstrate your enthusiasm for the company and how you can add value to their operations. Knowing what to say and properly planning for the role will help you get through the online interview. All you have to do now is figure out what the interviewers are looking for and strategize your responses